Sharing clinical experience and improving treatment concept
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-09-04

      In order to promote the multi-disciplinary communication in the field of blood diseases at the grass-roots level and build a communication and learning platform for young doctors in hematology department in different regions, so as to improve the diagnosis and treatment level of blood diseases and benefit the patients with blood diseases. On August 26, 2020, Chengdu high tech Medical Association held the "xigravitational" hematology salon, which focused on the hot issues such as the new treatment plan in the field of Hematology, discussed the diagnosis and treatment of MDS multiple myeloma, shared the difficult medical records of Hematology Department, and communicated the advanced treatment methods and concepts in clinical practice of Nephrology and hematology.

    Professor Su Yi from the Department of Hematology of the General Hospital of western war zone was specially invited as the chairman of the meeting. Professor Wu Hongwei, the First Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Medical College, Dai min, Southern Hospital of Southern Medical University, Tan Jing and Chen Rong of Chengdu Third People's Hospital, Lian Ying of Chengdu first people's Hospital, Professor Yang Xi of Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences and Chengdu Professor Chen Yucai, Affiliated Hospital of Medical College, was the guest of lecture.


    Professor Yang Xi of Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences · Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital and Professor Chen Yucai of Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Medical College respectively shared a difficult case, and experts attending the meeting actively discussed and shared their own treatment plan.

    Today, with the rapid development of medical technology, diagnosis and treatment methods and therapeutic drugs, more conferences based on academic exchanges should be carried out. Through the academic exchange platform, we should share experience, share learning and make common progress, so as to bring benefits to more patients with blood diseases.
