Excellent case-sharing sessions, clinical thought camps
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-06-22

          With the development of Hematopoietic stem cell, the Hematopoietic stem cell was held on June 18,2020 to further explore Hematopoietic stem cell and nursing, and promote academic exchanges in the field of transplantation, attracted nearly 200 medical staff to watch.


           Opening speeches were delivered by Professor Niu Ting of Hwaseo Hospital in Sichuan University and Professor Zhang Xi of Xinqiao Hospital of the Army Medical University, nine scholars from Hwaseo Hospital in Sichuan University, Pont Neuf Hospital of Army Medical University, west war zone General Hospital, Southwest Medical University Affiliated Hospital and Pearl River Hospital in Southern Medical University shared their clinical cases and nursing records.

          Professor Chan sum-chuen, head nurse Wong wing-lee, Hwaseo Hospital, Sichuan University, professor Zhang Xi, professor Gao Lei, head nurse Du Xin, Professor Su Yi of the General Hospital of the Western theater of war and Professor Li Xiaoming of the Southwest Medical University commented on the case sharing. The meeting also noted that with advances in stem cell transplantation technology and improved medical conditions, malignant blood diseases such as leukemia, as well as some immune diseases and malignant tumors can be effectively alleviated or even cured by Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

             At last, Professor Niu Ting and Professor Zhang Xi summarized the sharing session. Expressing its appreciation to the participants and the audience, and noting that this meeting is an innovation and development based on previous clinical work, and will help to change the old model of single-disciplinary diagnosis and treatment, it can promote the formation and development of the concept of multidisciplinary comprehensive diagnosis and treatment.