"Move" the road to accompany, guard health
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-06-22
  •               In order to promote the academic exchange among the primary nephrologists, the hot topics of nephrologists, such as rehabilitation after kidney transplantation and diagnosis and treatment of complications, were discussed in depth. On June 13,2020,120 medical staff participated in the academic exchange meeting on rehabilitation and diagnosis and treatment of complications after kidney transplantation hosted by Chengdu high-tech Medical Association.


  • This meeting was opened by Professor Yang Hongji of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital and Chairman Peng Song of Chengdu Wuhou Sansong Desen Hospital, professor Li Shadan, professor of Urology, General Hospital of Western theater of operations, and Lu Yi, vice president of Chengdu Wuhou Sansongdesen Hospital, were invited to give lectures on the relevant academic hot spots, such as the way to survive after kidney transplantation, nutrition and exercise, and the exploration of follow-up models.

  • It was also highlighted that kidney transplantation is the best treatment for end-stage renal disease. Patients after kidney transplantation must take immunosuppressants strictly according to the doctor's orders, but immunosuppressants have certain adverse effects on human body and are expensive, the success of kidney transplantation does not mean the end of medical and nursing work, but the beginning of rehabilitation and home care work.

  • The conference carried out the aim of combining clinical practice with scientific research and gave a comprehensive overview of the development of kidney transplantation in China. At the same time, the conference also organized participants to visit Sansong Desen hospital in Wuhou, Chengdu, in this paper, the current hot issues in clinical and basic research of renal transplantation were discussed. With the support of the participating experts, the conference has been a complete success, which will help to strengthen the development of the diagnosis and treatment of renal transplantation.