'constant' heart far, 'intervene' into the future
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-07-10
  • In order to strengthen the maintenance and disinfection of medical equipment after the epidemic and standardize the management of medical consumables in the post-epidemic era, and how to manage the emergency procurement and circulation of medical consumables in the event of a major public health emergency, by the hospital equipment and procurement departments, etc. , 2 July 2020, " 'Heng' heart far, 'intervene' into the future of medical equipment supplies management forum" successfully held. The forum invited well-known experts in Sichuan Province to participate in the online academic sharing and exchange, attracting more than 4000 involved in the professional intervention and other relevant medical personnel to participate in the forum.

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  • The meeting was addressed by Huang Jin, vice president of Hwaseo Hospital of Sichuan University, and Yang Cui, director general of Hwaseo hospital operations and management, Sichuan University. The main idea of the meeting is to regulate the management of medical consumables in the post-epidemic era, focusing on the maintenance and disinfection of equipment, the paper also discusses how to manage the emergency purchase and circulation of medical consumables when there is a serious public health emergency again.

  • Wu Xiaodong, director of Equipment Department of Hwaseo Sichuan University Hospital, gave a detailed explanation on EMT supply management, material management under the new crown disease, relief materials distribution management, emergency materials purchasing management, emergency materials pre-planning and implementation, social donation materials management, emergency materials warehouse management and material preparation before departure of medical teams. Zhou Longfu, director of the medical and Engineering Department of the General Hospital of the Western theater of operations, shared the experience of the medical and engineering team in Wuhan as the Third Group of anti-epidemic soldiers from Sichuan Assisting Wuhan. Li Xuefang, director of the purchasing center of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, shared his experience in initiating emergency procurement, purchasing and management of emergency materials in the hospital and special procurement tasks of the health commission during the epidemic period. Xie Xiankai, chief of Equipment Department of Deyang People's Hospital, shared his experience in the maintenance, disinfection management and personal protection of medical equipment.

  • Finally, the director of the Equipment Department of Sichuan Cancer Hospital, Yin Gang, discussed the contents of the meeting. Director Yin said that during the Sichuan Cancer Hospital epidemic, he received donations of medical supplies from all sectors of society, a small part of the materials received are non-medical materials, which fail to meet the standards for medical use. In this regard, the medical department invited experts to conduct professional appraisal, confirmed that part of the material for the hospital logistics and administrative staff day-to-day protection. The director of the Equipment Department of Yibin Second People's Hospital, the director of the Procurement Department and the director of the Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital discussed the mechanism for controlling the increase in prices of medical supplies during the epidemic. Li said that during the epidemic period, all hospitals need to provide sufficient reasons for the increase in prices to ensure adequate supplies in the hospital.