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Circular on the Prevention and Control of epidemic situation this Winter and next Spring
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-12-18

Chengdu hi-tech medical association

Circular on the Prevention and Control of epidemic situation this Winter and next Spring


Departments and offices of the Secretariat:


In order to do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic situation in COVID-19 of the Chengdu High and New Medical Association (hereinafter referred to as the Society), prevent the risk of the epidemic and strengthen the safety protection. In accordance with the spirit of the State Health and Health Commission on doing a good job in the prevention and control of COVID-19 's epidemic situation, and in accordance with the unified arrangements and arrangements of the provincial, municipal, and district COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control headquarters, the relevant requirements are hereby notified as follows:


First, we should attach great importance to the prevention and control of the epidemic situation. With the gradual decrease of temperature, into the period of high incidence of infectious diseases, especially respiratory infectious diseases, in addition, the current epidemic situation outside the country (border) is high, domestic imported, decentralized, sporadic confirmed cases occur from time to time, the epidemic prevention and control situation is very serious. All staff should attach great importance to it ideologically, tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control at all times, prepare for a protracted war, and unswervingly do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic situation.


Second, it is necessary to do a good job in the prevention and control of the individual epidemic situation. All staff should take prevention as the main principle and source control as the principle to do a good job of personal protection. One is to clean up the public office area, insist on cleaning and cleaning the office area every day, sterilize and sterilize with alcohol, and place hand washing disinfectant in each office. The second is to develop good hygiene and behavior habits, frequently open windows, wash hands frequently, eat with chopsticks, wear masks correctly, maintain a safe social distance, reduce participation in gathering activities, and do not get medium and high risk areas in non-special circumstances. Third, when buying all kinds of cold chain food, we must have cold chain food "nucleic acid test report form" and "cold chain food inspection certificate" in order to buy it. Fourth, when cough, fever and other uncomfortable symptoms occur, wear a mask to the regular hospital fever clinic to see a doctor, truthfully inform the doctor of the history of residence in the past 14 days.


Third, it is necessary to cooperate with the management of health services. First, we should strictly implement the prevention and control requirements of epidemic prevention and control headquarters and places of residence at all levels, take the initiative to produce "health codes," and actively cooperate with body temperature measurement. Second, careful access to public places. By means of reservation, peak error and current restriction, we will go to parks, tourist attractions, sports places and indoor venues such as libraries, museums, gallery and other indoor venues, as well as closed and semi-closed places of entertainment and leisure, such as theatres, song and dance entertainment places, amusement halls, Internet cafes, bars, beauty salons, baths, indoor fitness and so on. The three entry provinces should take the initiative to truthfully declare the "health code" to measure the body temperature, and the abnormal "health code" should all focus on medical observation for 14 days. Those who meet the conditions for medical observation at home shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions. If there are employees who do not obey health management, the society will deal with it strictly.


Fourth, it is necessary to strictly manage all kinds of academic conferences. To learn all kinds of large and medium-sized academic conferences and training sessions, in principle, to adopt the "online and offline, online-oriented" approach.


Fifth, it is necessary to make a good reserve of materials for the prevention and control of the epidemic situation. First, according to the different conditions of the epidemic situation and the different stages of prevention and control, a batch of epidemic prevention substances should be stored in batches in stages in order to meet the needs of emergency. Second, the staff reserve, if the epidemic situation needs, all the staff of the Institute must be fully engaged in the fight against the epidemic; to actively recruit volunteers, always maintain the volunteer constant, in the event of emergencies can achieve "recruit, come, war can win."


